Es ist Abend und ich radel gedankenlos vor mich hin, weil um mich herum der Verkehr braust und hupt und damit jeden klaren Gedanken verhindert. Ein Motorrad verlangsamt seine Fahrt neben mir und der F...Read More
Wir kommen aus der erfrischenden Kühle von Bischkek und landen in der stickigen Schwüle Delhis. Um uns sofort an den Trubel zu gewöhnen, entscheiden wir vom Flughafen zum Warmshower Gastgeber zu ra...Read More
We leave Delhi after spending four nights at our warmshower hosts Friede and Rod with their two little sons. We cycle through the city for hours. Somewhere Delhi ends, but we don’t notice it. Ev...Read More
Have you ever seen those pictures of hundreds of cables, phone lines and wires hanging across the street in total chaos? That’s Delhi. We arrive in Delhi at noon and first put our bicycles back ...Read More
Usually flying in a plane isn’t really that interesting. You see fields, cities and roads approximately 10 km below you. When you cross the Atlantic Ocean you see water, water, water. Now this ...Read More
All our bags are packed we are ready to go. Checked in and now waiting for boarding. We will soon leave the ex-Soviet era and won’t speak Russian any time soon. We have left the last dudes behin...Read More
Today it is 7 months since we left Germany. It feels much longer, though. In our second „stage“ we travelled through countries both of us have never been before and a few years back, we di...Read More
The first kilometers of Kazakhstan are just windy and rainy and cold. We reach Kegen, the first village with an ATM. Of course it doesn’t work so we have to change dollars for a ridiculously low...Read More
We have now been traveling for over 6 month and more than 10.000 kilometers. So far a lot of people helped us in difficult situations in every country. But during our time in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzsta...Read More
My last post ended in Osh, because that’s the end of the Pamir Highway. But Kyrgyzstan started almost 200 km before Osh. We had cycled through 15 km of no man’s land and finally arrived at...Read More