We are Cora and Wolfgang from Mannheim, Germany.
We started travelling the world by bicycle in March 2015 and first travelled down the Danube river to the black sea. With the ferry we crossed the black sea and left the EU. We cycled through Georgia and Armenia and into Iran. In Tehran we got the visa for the next three countries: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tadjikistan. We crossed the Pamir and entered Kyrgyzstan and later Kazachstan.
I bet you need a map of central asia now. Here you go:
On October 13th we will aim for the Airport in Bishkek, from which we will fly to New Delhi, because unfortunately Afghanistan and Pakistan are not considered safe to travel.
After that not much is planned in detail. The visas for south east asia are easy to get compared to central asia. We will spend some time in south east asia, hopefully making it to Indonesia.
Finally we will leave the asian continent and fly via Japan to central america. From there we will travel all the way to the south of latin america.
That’s the rough idea. We both made good experiences by giving ourselves enough room to dream and change our minds during travelling. For us it is most important to find unique places and authentic people. Obviously we therefore have to leave the touristic routes and maybe miss some world famous buildings and places. However, from former journeys we most vividly remember people we didn’t expect to meet and places we didn’t plan to visit.
Hey Wolfi !
this is a great endeavour rally you guys are taking. Respect ! Thank you for your message. The danube goes across Ulm. Whenever you happen to be around Ulm, please let me know, we should meet each other. Here are my contact details:
Thank you and all the best till then !
Hallo ihr beiden, so ist es für mich auch aufregend, wenn ich euern Block verfolgen kann! Einfach ein Klasse Vorhaben bis bald zum verabschieden.
Liebe Grüße Annette
Ich wünsche euch kräftige Waden, Zusammenhalt, bei etwaigen Schwächeanfällen den nötigen Rückenwind, Gesundheit, gutes Wetter, tolle und einzigartige Eindrücke, zumindest sehr selten nen platten Reifen,…
Ich freue mich euch zumindest hier verfolgen zu können!
So cool…. to follow your travels… thanks for the updates and the invitation.
I meet you in the evening on 14/12/2015 at Geyzing/Gyalshing in West Sikkim. I am really amazed to see the enthusiasm in your zest and zeal. Best Wishes for your Journey.