I got an email yesterday: „I read about your changed plans, so I don’t know when you will read this…“. Apparently not everybody got our April fools‘ joke. We are still in...Read More
We want to share some important news with you. Since we left Germany our plan has always been to visit Japan before we finally cross the Pacific Ocean. And until a few weeks ago we stuck to that plan....Read More
The only country that will leave two visas in our passports is Laos. We enter southern Laos from Lao Boa, Vietnam. Already since we have left the Pacific Ocean, the temperatures increased rapidly. We...Read More
It goes a-one, two, three Let’s be honest, what most people associate with Vietnam is war. Not only because it was a big political issue in the western world, but also because there are endless...Read More
After leaving Europe we often switched completely to bottled water, because it is the only safe drinking water you can get. I knew Bonaqua was a product of the Coca Cola company. And I thought that&#...Read More
We in Germany have very very high standards of living. Of course you all know that already, but for me it took several months to actually see how far countries like Germany have come regarding things ...Read More
Was uns in Deutschland über andere Länder an Nachrichten erreicht sind meist Bilder des Schreckens und der Zerstörung. Sie schüren Ängste und warnen davor, diese Länder zu besuchen. Zusätzlich ...Read More
The selfie stick is a useless invention that probably only shows the self-centered personality shift of our time. (my inner voice five years ago on selfie sticks) The brain is a great invention. It a...Read More
Weite, grenzüberschreitende Strecken mit dem Fahrrad zurück zu legen, ist für mich inzwischen weniger eine Frage der Kraft und Ausdauer sondern vielmehr eine Frage der Geduld. Ich schwinge mich mor...Read More