First and Fourmost – We changed our plans

We want to share some important news with you. Since we left Germany our plan has always been to visit Japan before we finally cross the Pacific Ocean. And until a few weeks ago we stuck to that plan.

But we also had this feeling we wanted to stay somewhere for a while to rest from all the new impressions we get day in day out. So for the last weeks we wrote to several international companies and organisations. And just a few days ago we got a promising response.

We will not fly to Japan.

Instead – already on April 8th – we will land in Pyongyang, North Korea and stay there for one year. We will work for a Turkmen non-government organisation focusing on human rights and will be part of an international team to organize the first massive demonstration against the suppressing regime of Kim Jong-Un on May 1st, the International Workers Day. The goal is to outnumber the participants of the military parade that takes place the same day. We already have more followers on Twitter. #TakeKimShakeKimTryToAwakeKim

We wanted to do something meaningful, not just build a school.

Cross your fingers! We are excited.

Since there is no internet available in North Korea there will be no more blog posts or emails for the next 12 months. We will write offline and report on our experiences in detail afterwards.

We will probably be in the news anyway.

(In case you didn’t get it: „First and Fourmost“ was our April fools‘ joke. Nothing in this post is true!)



6 thoughts on “First and Fourmost – We changed our plans

  1. This is really a big decision …I mean to adapt to a life without internet 🙂 Good luck.

  2. Sounds like great Idea.

    Just after I read this, I quit my job and booked a ticket for the Trans-Siberian Railway. That will take me to the North Korean boarder in about 4 weeks. As it is really hard to get a visa and time is running low anyway I will try to cross the border on my own. Do you have any address where we can meet?

    I’m so exicted and looking forward to see you there.

    1. Crossing the border afoot from China should be a childs play. Who needs a visa?We could meet at Kim Fried Chicken in Pyongyang. They have happy hour from 8pm until closing time. See you.

  3. Ah ah! I almost believed it 🙂
    I also had my joke day recentely. Unfortunately it was April 02nd and not April 01st.
    I bought last Thursday a flight ticket Chiang Mai – Fukuoka (South Japan). On China Eastern airline. Yesterday I pack my bike, put it in a box and go to the airport. At the check in counter the lady ask me for my Chinese visa… No visa, no flight. Ahrrrr. One flight ticket wasted! And no Japan.
    I guess it is a sign, I was not supposed to catch a flight… So I will have to keep cycling in the heat. One week to get my Chinese visa and I head North…
    If only it was a joke!
    Enjoy Cambodia!

    1. Chinese visa… what a bad april fools joke! Hope you will find another way to Japan. We will be there in three weeks (given that we don’t need a visa for the chinese air space). Remember the cold rivers in Kyrgyzstan while cycling through the heat, maybe it’ll help 😉

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