During the last weeks I always had difficulties to describe a city with a few words. Most cities or parts of them can be described as beautiful, vivid, full of life. But what is unique for a city? Whe...Read More
OK, when we arrived in Batumi some KGB agents told me to explain my last post was purely fictional. No, there were no KGB agents. But it is so much fun to write some made up stories when there is noth...Read More
I don’t have much time, since they are everywhere. It was a big mistake to ever go on this ferry. Something is very wrong here. Strange things happen. We heard frightening noises at night, but w...Read More
Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two One And we got lift-off at the Varna Ferry Complex at 8:29pm Eastern European Summer Time. Mission ГЕРОИТЕ ИА ОДЕСА on its way to new horizons c...Read More
Ok, at around 1pm we finally can enter the ferry complex, but have to leave our bikes outside. We walk a few hundred meters to a shabby and abandoned building leaning like the Pisa tower. We hear voic...Read More
In her last post Cora already wrote about how things often turn out unexpected. I can only confirm this. Let me tell you about the ferry we are about to take….hopefully….soon. It goes from...Read More
Wir sind nun seit genau acht Wochen unterwegs und haben am 1. Mai unser erstes Etappenziel, das Schwarze Meer, erreicht. Ich hatte mir vorgestellt, dass es nach unzähligen Hügeln als ein glitzernder...Read More
If you don’t like to read much and just want the basic facts, that’s very sad. But anyway, here you go: We reached the black sea after approximately 2800km on our bicycles. We traveled ano...Read More
It is different to visit a city on your own or visiting a friend there. In Sofia we visited my former room mate Ventzi from when I lived in Heidelberg and I think we had a great experience. If you vis...Read More
Right now I am sitting on the bottom of the train between Sofia and Ruse typing on my new external keyboard. I just completed the post about Belgrade, since I couldn’t finish it when we were sti...Read More