In US movies people usually spend their two weeks vacation in „Europe“, no matter if they go to Germany, Spain or Norway. „Where do you spend your vacation? Europe!“. We ...Read More
Myanmar- Land des Lächelns Es ist immer wieder erstaunlich, wieviel sich bei einem Grenzübertritt verändert, natürlich erstmal nicht im Landschaftsbild, aber im Stadt- und Straßenbild und vor all...Read More
Back in Thailand we take a bus to Chantaburi, around 20 km away from the sea. We want to spend some days at the beach. After all, that’s one thing Thailand is famous for. We spend a night in Cha...Read More
I got an email yesterday: „I read about your changed plans, so I don’t know when you will read this…“. Apparently not everybody got our April fools‘ joke. We are still in...Read More
The only country that will leave two visas in our passports is Laos. We enter southern Laos from Lao Boa, Vietnam. Already since we have left the Pacific Ocean, the temperatures increased rapidly. We...Read More
It goes a-one, two, three Let’s be honest, what most people associate with Vietnam is war. Not only because it was a big political issue in the western world, but also because there are endless...Read More
We leave Vientiane on February 17th, after we finally got our Vietnamese visa. Now we head north towards Luang Prabang. The road conditions are good, only some parts are still dirt roads. It soon gets...Read More
Ich sitze in einem Cafe in Vientiane, nuckel an einem Caramel-Latte-Frappe und knabbere an einem Passionfruit-Cheese-Cake. Ich habe keinen Hunger. Es ist der pure Luxus. Wolfgang sitzt mir gegenüber,...Read More
The border crossing to Thailand is easy. We just get a stamp and a departure card and can now stay for 30 days. After a very long time we enter a modern country again with true western standards. We...Read More