Entering Serbia means leaving the EU. We enter Serbia twice, because as I mentioned in the previous post, the border is going from one side of the Danube to the other and back all the time. Actually w...Read More
We enter Croatia from Hungary on a small bike route on top of the Danube dyke. A kilometer sign is counting down from 5 to zero, then a barrier gate with the Hungarian flag. Then 2 meters without asph...Read More
As warm as the welcoming on the first day in Hungary was, as cold stays the weather for a few more days. Cora is especially suffering, because her rain jacket just leaks and she is not a nordic type l...Read More
Als Europaer sind wir es wohl nicht mehr gewohnt Grenzen korrekt zu ueberqueren. Diesen Eindruck mussten jedenfalls zwei Grenzbeamtinnen und ein Grenzbeamter bekommen (immer schoen politisch korrekt g...Read More
We leave Vienna when it starts to rain for the first time in three weeks. We are really lucky regarding the weather. However it was cold in several nights when we just pitched our tent somewhere. Sh...Read More
Zur Vorbereitung unserer Reise habe ich einige Blogs von anderen Radlweltreisenden gelesen. Diese sind fast durchgehend positiv mit Bildern wie aus dem Urlaubsprospekt. Sie vermitteln einem das Gefu...Read More
No blog entry for a while. And you still have to wait a bit longer. The reason is that my inner voice is much faster than I can type on the smartphone’s soft keyboard. That’s so annoying t...Read More
When we reached the Danube river in Ulm it was rather small. I lived in Ulm for several years and on the yearly „Nabada“-festival, when everybody is in the Danube, paddling on some kind of...Read More
Nach einem Ruhetag bei Wolfgangs Mutter fuhren wir weiter nach Stuttgart. Um uns nicht 80km lang am Neckar entlang zu schlängeln, kürzten wir ab und zu über die Weinberge ab. So erreichten wir scho...Read More