Two months and eleven days I have spent in Japan. Since I have never lived, studied or worked abroad, Japan is – after Germany – the country I’ve spent most continuous time in. I thi...Read More
After leaving the harbor on Hokkaido the sea is rough, so I decide to take a bath in the onsen. Yep, they have an onsen on board. What’s better then laying in water when the ship is moving? It ...Read More
We leave Akita on the west coast of Honshu and now head into the mountains. We have to leave the west coast and cross over to the east coast where we want to take the ferry to Hokkaido at Cape Oma. We...Read More
Es ist 1 Uhr nachts. Ich bin wach. Jetlag. Dass Japan die Endstation meiner Reise sein würde, habe ich bis vor ein paar Tagen auch noch nicht gewusst. Schon in Südostasien war ich teilweise sehr mü...Read More
In Japan sind die Häuser einheitlich grau, braun oder beige, die Dächer schwarz. Vor den Fenstern hängen lange, weiße Vorhänge oder papierbespannte Schiebevorhänge, so dass man nicht hinein sehe...Read More
After finishing the blog post in front of the Lawson supermarket it is already early afternoon when we set off into the mountains. The road is good as always and the scenery is mountainous and beautif...Read More
That Japan was going to be different was already obvious a few weeks before we arrived. Already in Hanoi we had booked an apartment on AirBnB for the first two nights in Osaka. After the booking was c...Read More