Message in a bottle – We are in Tajikistan

More and more people seem to be worried, because we don’t write much in the blog. The reason is simple: As I already said, the internet connection here is very slow. Iran was rather good compared to Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. We also turn our cellphones in offline mode to safe battery so we usually reply to a text message one or two days later.

And on top of that we both got sick and stayed sick for three weeks. That meant organizing a lot while being weak in countries where we don’t speak their language. So we actually didn’t do much more than running around. As you know the visa in all these countries are limited, so we also had to keep in mind that we need to leave the country at a certain point, because the visa expires. No matter how we feel.

That said it is probably obvious, that writing blog posts was not on the high priority list.

We now sit in an internet cafe in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan. We crossed the border to Tajikistan just yesterday.

I will now try to upload some more blog posts about the last weeks. Lets see if it works.

And just so you are prepared:

Tajikistan is a mountainous country and outside Dushanbe there will probably be not much chances of having an internet connection. I guess even a mobile network won’t be available in some regions.

So in the worst case you won’t read anything about us for the next three or four weeks. On September 1st we have to enter Kyrgyzstan, though, and should have an internet connection at least in Osh.

That’s it for now. We start to recover and feel ready for the next challenges.



One thought on “Message in a bottle – We are in Tajikistan

  1. Gaaaaanz lieben Dank für dein Geburtstagswünsche aus der weiten Ferne!!! Dass du an mich gedacht hast bei all den Aufregungen freut mich sehr 🙂
    Wünsch euch weiterhin viel Kraft, Nerven, Gesundheit, Glück, Abenteuer!!! Leo

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